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The Story Behind The Storyteller
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The Rajabhai tower, Mumbai. One monsoon morning. That's where it all began. Natasha and her tiny Samsung flip phone. Trying to capture the many moods of the majestic tower every morning before college.


Day by day this turned into an obsession, clicking snapshots of everything that caught her eye. Over the years this has grown into a passion to photograph and tell a story of the world through her eyes. Natasha has always been captivated by all things magical and whimsical, and loves to bring a little bit of that enchantment alive through her pictures.

When Natasha heard rumours that her photographs were the happiest, shiniest captures this side of Venus, her friends could only say, “Told ya so!” So, with a heart full of artful romance and veins brimming with coffee, she set off in search of the loveliest stories in the land and sought to give them the fairytale finish they deserved. 


This is what gave birth to The Storyteller in 2014.

Natasha spent her first professional years in advertising at Ogilvy & Mather, this has given her an unusually keen eye for the tiny details that most humans miss. She now gives her days meaning by making your moments look as magical as they feel. For memory’s sake!

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